VenaSeal in Lakewood Ranch

Seal Out Varicose Veins with VenaSeal

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Free Your Life From Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can disrupt your life with their pain, itching, and unsightly appearance. Experience freedom from varicose veins with VenaSeal, a minimally invasive treatment with little downtime.

With VenaSeal treatment at Florida Lakes Vein Center, you can get right back up into your normal lifestyle, free of your varicose veins.

VenaSeal Overview

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Number of Treatments:


Appointment Length:

20 to 30 minutes

Driver Required?




Compression Time:

24 to 48 hours


None required, topical available

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How VenaSeal Works

When you visit us for VenaSeal in Lakewood Ranch, your vein specialist uses medical adhesive to close off the troublesome veins.

Your provider fills a syringe with VenaSeal and puts it in a dispensing gun attached to a catheter. They then insert the catheter into the varicose vein using ultrasound guidance.

The specialist injects VenaSeal into specific areas along the vein. Once the damaged veins are sealed, blood redirects into nearby healthy veins, improving circulation and relieving most symptoms of varicose veins.

VenaSeal FAQs

About Florida Lakes Vein Center

Florida Lakes Vein Center offers premier VenaSeal treatment in Lakewood Ranch. Our experienced vein specialists Gregg Shore, M.D., Francesca Mertan, PA-C, and TC Lackey II, D.O., lead a team of compassionate professionals who take the time to listen to patients and obtain a comprehensive medical history before recommending any vein treatment.

Our expert medical team has assisted more than 1,000 patients across the region with VenaSeal varicose vein treatment.

Our Team

Is VenaSeal Right For Me?

Use our Virtual Screening Tool to tell us more about your concerns. From there, we will provide you with customized recommendations on which treatment may be the best fit to address them!

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